太阳成集团tyc33455ccwww成立于2017年,是在2002年成立的太阳成集团tyc33455ccwww化工学院食品工程系的基础上,汇集西北农林科技大学食品科学与工程、太阳成集团tyc33455ccwww食品科学与工程、生命科学等相关专业的师资力量组建而成。学院现有二级学科博士点1个,一级学科硕士点1个,二级学科硕士点1个。 学院现有专职教师45人,其中教授9人,副教授21人,讲师15人,100%的教师具有博士学位,80%的教师有海外留学经历。教师队伍中有原国务院学位委员会学科评议组专家1人,享受国务院特殊津贴专家1人,教育部新世纪人才2人,陕西省“三五”人才1人,陕西省科技创新领军人才2人和陕西青年科技奖获得者2人。学院拥有“朱蓓薇院士工作站”、“陕西省食品安全风险识别控制技术研究中心”、“陕西省营养健康食品个性制造工程实验室”、“陕西省食品安全与营养健康创新转化平台”和“陕西省蜂产品工程技术研究中心”、“陕西省天然多糖资源利用工程研究中心”等科研平台...
姓名: 白武双
电子邮件: bws@nwu.edu.cn
白武双:男,1990年生,理学博士,副教授。主要开展基于纳米电化学生物传感的食品快检技术研发、食品质量安全等方面的研究工作。担任SCI期刊《Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology》、《Micromachines》等客座编辑。近年来主持/参与国家自然基金1项、陕西省自然科学项目1项、太阳成集团tyc33455ccwww科学研究基金1项、陕西省蜂蜜品质大赛1项(横向项目)等。在《Biosensors and Bioelectronics》、《Sensors and Actuators-B Chemical》、《Chemical Engineering Journal》、《Journal of Food Composition and Analysis》、《Journal of Materials Chemistry A》、《ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces》、《ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering》、《Analyst》等SCI期刊上发表科学论文30多篇。
1. Junping Ma, Jinhang Yuan, Yiying Xu, Ying Jiang, Wushuang Ba,* Jianbin Zheng*. Ultrasensitive electrochemical determination of bisphenol A in food samples based on a strategy for activity enhancement of enzyme: Layer-by-layer self-assembly of tyrosinase between two-dimensional porphyrin metal–organic framework nanofilms. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 446, 137001. (一区TOP,IF:16.7,本科生大创研究成果)
2. Junping Ma, Wushuang Bai,* Jianbin Zheng*. A novel self-cleaning electrochemical biosensor integrating copper porphyrin-derived metal-organic framework nanofilms, G-quadruplex, and DNA nanomotors for achieving cyclic detection of lead ions. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2022, 197, 113801. (一区TOP,IF:12.5)
3. Wushuang Bai,* Sijia Li, Junping Ma, Wei Cao and Jianbin Zheng. Ultrathin 2D metal–organic framework (nanosheets and nanofilms)-based xD–2D hybrid nanostructures as biomimetic enzymes and supercapacitors. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 9086–9098. (一区TOP,IF:14.5)
4. Wushuang Bai, Xinjin Zhang, Sai Zhang, Qinglin Sheng∗, Jianbin Zheng∗. Acidification of manganese dioxide for ultrasensitive electrochemical sensing of hydrogen peroxide in living cells. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2017, 242, 718. (一区TOP,IF:9.2)
5 Wushuang Bai, Qinglin Sheng,* and Jianbin Zheng*. Three-Dimensional Nanostructures Formed from Morphology Controlled Synthesis of Pt Particles Based on Gas−Liquid Reaction for Electrocatalytic Application. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 4, 4895. (一区TOP,IF:9.2)
6 Wushuang Bai, Qinglin Sheng, Fei Nie, and Jianbin Zheng*. Controllable Synthesis of Formaldehyde Modified Manganese Oxide Based on Gas−Liquid Interfacial Reaction and Its Application of Electrochemical Sensing. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7, 28377. (一区TOP,IF:10.4)
7 Wushuang Bai, Qinglin Sheng, Xiaoyan Ma, and Jianbin Zheng*. Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Based on Hydrophobic Interface Regulation and Its Application of Electrochemical Catalysis. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2015, 3, 1600. (一区TOP,IF:9.2)
8 Wushuang Bai, Qinglin Sheng, Jianbin Zheng. Hydrophobic interface controlled electrochemical sensing of nitrite based on one step synthesis of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite. Talanta, 2016, 150, 302. (一区TOP,IF:6.6)
9 Wushuang Bai, Fei Nie, Jianbin Zheng,* and Qinglin Sheng. Novel Silver Nanoparticle−Manganese Oxyhydroxide−Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite Prepared by Modified Silver Mirror Reaction and Its Application for Electrochemical Sensing. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6, 5439. (一区TOP,IF:10.4)
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